HST 271: Modern China by Madeline Jutsen

  • Show and Tell 5

    For our fifth Show and Tell project, I analyzed our class readings on China’s one child policy. The one child policy started in 1980. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CCP) sent a letter to the CCP’s General Membership and Youth League about the problems caused by overpopulation. If there was no…

  • Week 14 Blog Post

    HST 271 Blog Post week 14 This week, we talked about China from the 1990’s to the present day. As we discussed in class, China has had massive economic growth during the past few decades, but this has contributed to pollution and global warming. We also addressed the US changing its foreign policy in the…

  • Show and Tell 4

    For this module’s Show and Tell project, I wanted to discuss relations between the USSR and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in its early years. The USSR and the PRC were allies from the founding of the PRC in 1949 until the mid-1950’s. According to The Search for Modern China: A Documentary Collection, when…

  • Week 12

    This week, we discussed the Cultural Revolution and the beginnings of China’s reconnection with the Western world. Mao’s government started the Cultural Revolution to increase support for the Chinese Communist Party after the Great Leap Forward failed and caused a famine (Moise 168). He argued that the Revolution from 1949 was incomplete and Chinese people…

  • Extra Credit- Introduce an Image

    This image shows a group of peasants lined up, and all of them are reading books. One man stands in front of the group. A woman is holding a portrait of Mao Ze Dong. The photo was taken on July 7, 1967 in the Nanshanglo administrative district, according to an NPR article that uses it.…

  • Week 11

    This week, we learned about the Great Leap Forward and its resulting famine. The Great Leap Forward followed Mao’s campaign against Rightists. According to the documentary Mao’s Great Famine, between 500,000 and 1 million “Rightists” who opposed Mao were sent to forced labor camps where many of them starved to death. By 1958, Mao could…

  • Week 10

    This week, we learned about the early years of the People’s Republic of China under Mao Zedong. I chose the Korean War exploration pack. In class, my group talked about propaganda from the American and Chinese perspectives during the Korean War. The US supported South Korea, while China supported North Korea. We watched American newsreels…

  • Show and Tell Project 3

    For this Show and Tell project, I decided to look deeper into the history of Taiwan from the late nineteenth to early twentieth centuries. Taiwan was incorporated into the Qing Empire in 1683 when the Manchu army defeated the forces of Koxinga, a Ming Dynasty loyalist. Taiwan became a colony of Japan in 1895 after…

  • Week 9

    This week, we learned about how the Chinese experienced World War II and the Civil War between the Guomindang (GMD) and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The 1930’s and 1940’s were a violent and chaotic time in Chinese history. While the GMD and CCP formed a United Front during the war to fight the Japanese,…

  • Week 8

    This week, we discussed the struggles between the Nationalists (Guomindang) and Communists (CCP) for control of China during the first few decades of the twentieth century. There was no central power in China after the last emperor abdicated in 1912. It was a very chaotic time. In class, we discussed how the year 1927 was…

Got any book recommendations?
